Senior Citizens & Legal Cannabis

Apr 20, 2020

The senior citizens of today grew up during a time when stigmas surrounding cannabis were being propagated aggressively by United States government.  Accordingly, one might think this golden generation would be the most misinformed about marijuana. Ironically, they are also at an age demographic that arguably benefits the most from this natural plant. However, new studies and reports are showing that seniors are taking initiative and deciding for themselves if cannabis can be beneficial for them. Here are 5 key takeaways that have helped seniors dismantle those archaic stigmas.

1. Marijuana is safer than many commonly prescribed medications

Most seniors take prescription drugs daily. The side effects of marijuana are insignificant in comparison to the side effects of many prescription drugs, and not a single person has ever died from a marijuana overdose. Even more compelling for many seniors is the powerful anti-oxidant effects marijuana can provide, as well as relief for many disorders including liver inflammation, lupus, irritable bowel syndrome, and many other serious medical conditions that all involve inflammation and oxidative damage.

2. Marijuana can reduce or possibly replace many prescription medications they take

A major complaint of seniors regarding their daily medications is that the first pill often causes side effects that the second one is supposed to “fix.”  “Marijuana’s healing properties target various conditions such as inflamed joints, high blood pressure, chronic pain, digestive disorders, constipation, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, cognitive awareness. Marijuana even has the potential for accentuating the effect of many commonly prescribed drugs. For example, opiate based painkillers are typically enhanced when marijuana is used concurrently, often resulting in a reduction of pharmaceutical medicines.

3. There are marijuana strains without “the high”

Marijuana cultivators have developed potent CBD genetic strains that have minimal psychoactive effects. CBD, or cannabidiol, is tremendous for inflammation, eases pain, stimulates bone growth, suppresses muscular spasms, reduces anxiety, and increases mental focus.

4. There are options for marijuana consumption that don’t involve smoking

One common misconception among aging adults is that they must smoke marijuana to gain the medicinal benefits. This belief is quickly being nullified by products such as liquid extracts, infused edibles, and an ever-growing variety of products to choose from.

5. Marijuana-infused ointments can be very effective in alleviating arthritis and neuropathy pain

Medicated creams are very popular for sore joints and muscles and back pain. They are very effective, smell nice and give a you no “high” so seniors can feel comfortable using the products throughout the day.

It is encouraging, to say the least, that the stigmas surrounding marijuana are fading and that

seniors are one of the fastest growing segments of new marijuana users. Simply because they were willing to make the decision to step outside of their comfort zone and explore the potential of cannabis working for them.