Cure Waiting Room Boredom With A Digital Experience

Nov 16, 2021

Too often have waiting rooms, regardless of reason, been plaguing excited customers with boredom for years. Breathe life back into your waiting room with our waiting room screens that start the buying process before the retail floor. Many of our customers utilize the waiting room as an education opportunity to answer the fun questions like “What is THC?”, that would otherwise occupy Budtenders’ time and pull them away from selling products and doing what they do best. The waiting rooms that have our screens are constantly displaying captivating information, product promotions and educational information that’s relevant to the state/area the dispensaries are located. Our partner, Onward content, develops amazing educational content that can be branded to your store making it even easier to create an immersive experience while still staying on-brand.  

"Your in-store screens can be one of the best marketing opportunities for a dispensary. You have an engaged audience ready to make purchases and can easily use the screens to upsell products and educate customers with entertaining content. In short, your screens can drive sales." –  Julie Batkiewicz, executive producer.